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A Statement Regarding the Events of Charlottesville

On August 11, 2017 hundreds of white supremacists armed with torches and chanting racist slogans marched onto the campus of the University of Virginia, where they surrounded and attacked a small group of courageous anti-racist protesters. On August 12, 2017 these and other white supremacists killed one person and injured scores more people who stood against racism and hate.


The IMPACT Conference Planning Committee and Board of Directors wants members of our community to know that we stand with Charlottesville and the counter protesters who risked their bodies and lives fighting against racism and white supremacy.


We are committed to providing you with space during your time in Charlottesville and at the University of Virginia to reflect and learn about local context and activism, and also for engaging in intentional dialogue and developing critical consciousness. We invite you to use the IMPACT Conference to process these horrific events in community with others working for change across the country. We understand the events in Charlottesville affect our community in varying ways and are working with our partners at Madison House, the University of Virginia, and local community organizations, to ensure a positive experience for all IMPACT participants.


Finally, we want to reaffirm the IMPACT Conference’s commitment to equity and inclusion. We will be evaluating our own program and processes and look forward to sharing an update with each of you at this year’s conference.


We can’t wait to welcome you to the 2019 IMPACT Conference next February. Please do not hesitate to contact us at boardchair@impactconference.org with any questions.


In community,


IMPACT Conference Planning Committee

IMPACT Conference Board of Directors